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How often do you update or replace your tackle?


New Member
We all know that sea fishing can put a heavy strain on the gear. Every year several of the rings from the rod (pole) come loose and sand gets into the gearing of the reels. Line breaks and weights are losts.

I've taught myself to fix the rods so I can now re-attach the rings through which the lines go if their anchorings break. I try to maintain my reels after every trip, but even then after a couple of years the reels need replacing.

New line is always a problem, though I always try to keep any high-poundage line to use as backing for lighter lines. Still, several spools are bought every season.

What's your wear and tear like and how often do you update or upgrade your tackle?


Just like a plummer and a carpenter have to take care of their tools if they are to be successful at their business so goes it for the successful fisherman. When I fished in salt water immediately after every outing I rinsed all of my gear down with fresh water. I removed the reels and dried and oiled them down. I would put the poles upright in their holders for storage until the next trip. I used the same routine for my fresh water gear.


Every 3 trips. Can't take any chances. The last thing you wanna do is be out there, and have something fall apart on ya without a spare.


It depends on whether it is my saltwater gear or my fresh water gear. The salt water gear/tackle I replace after three or four outings. Upon return from a saltwater trip I rinse the line, reel, and tackle thoroughly with fresh water and then I hand dry all that can be dried that way. For fresh water gear it is much the same process.


I am constantly buying new lures, many of them are actually someone else's old lures that they no longer want, and I enjoy collecting. You can sometimes pick up an entire tackle collection on the cheap when it gets sold at an estate auction or lot sale online, keep an eye out, it's fun and there are some great deals.
I always replace my tackle every two days. The reason why do it so often is because I am always out there fishing. I spend about five hours a day fishing aside from my part-time job.

I absolutely love going out in nature, especially in the sea or visiting rivers at some of my favorite campsites. I believe it is very important toys update or replace any fishing equipment.
Well, I know that I SHOULD replace things more often than I do, but I tend to wait until something actually breaks, or I lose a lure, or something happens that I am forced to spend money replacing it.
I love fishing, and I hate losing or breaking any kind of fishing tackle, but it happens, and then I just use something else until I can get it fixed or replaced.
I am totally not good at doing any kind of repairs myself, so unless it is really simple, that idea is out.


New Member
Regards salt water and looking after gear if you boat fish and have a boat on a trailer that you launch and retrieve each trip there is a bit of equipment you may forget and it can be expensive. I am talking about the brakes on your launch vehicle and the trailer if it is braked. A friend of mine discovered this when his car surprisingly failed its MOT and needed the back brakes fully replaced because they had corroded despite not being that old. Every time you launch and retrieve make sure to wash your rear brakes down with fresh water or you could find yourself with an unexpected bill.