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Which do you prefer, freshwater fishing or salt water fishing and why?



Of the two types of fishing (fresh water/salt water) which do you prefer and why? Frankly I like fishing so much it doesn't make any difference to me.


When it comes to fishing I prefer salt water fishing for the big fish action when I get lucky and a big one strikes. However, I also like fresh water fishing for the tastyness of fresh water fish which have some fairly challanging fighting fish there as well like big Bass or Catfish.

r. zimm

Even a small salt water fish will fight stronger than a fresh water fish twice its size. I've had loads of fun catching larger bait fish in salt water with a micro spinning rig. The size of your rod and line is a big determniner of how much fight a fish has to offer. That is the same in fresh or salt water.


I really do not have a preference for either fresh or salt water fishing. I just like to fish! It can be a pond or a mud puddle if it has fish in I'll fish it.:)

r. zimm

Ha Ha! I have seen pictures of water during a drought and the fish are flopping around in very shallow water. That would not be fishing since you can just pick them right up!

I understand what you mean though, fishing is fun and from a simple cane pole and line to big reels and stout rods for deep sea fishing, it's great fun. I have fun even if I do not catch anything but it's better to catch at least one fish.


New Member
Well I guess that sometimes it depends on what mood I'm in. I always feel that sea fishing is somehow a more aggressive form of the sport, more dynamic, whereas, lake fishing in particular, always seems more laid back, restful and at one with the nature around you. But essentially both are a great way of filling your spare time. That said I now avoid boat trips on the ocean as after around 10 attempts I came, sadly, to the conclusion that it was just a great way for me to spend the day hanging over the side of the boat feeling incredibly ill and vomitting! Wasn't cheap either!


New Member
Saltwater usually gets the biggest fish. I went out on a big trip recently in saltwater and it was amazing. Nothing like catching a live shark to really get your adrenaline going! But I was raised in fresh water areas so I can't say I really hate those either.


New Member
Sea fishing for the variety because you never really know what may be on the line. The catch generally tastes better too! Freshwater is for those lazy summer days best spent in solitude on a small pool watching a little float.
When I lived in Western Washington, we could drive down to the ocean and fish, and I loved doing that. There was even a little bay near Olympia, with a park, and the creek had salt water coming in with the tide, and fresh water when it went back out. We used to dig for sand worms when the tide was out, and then catch flounder and some other kind of little fish (bass of some sort maybe ? ) when the tide was coming in. The park had the little BBQ s, so when we caught enough fish, we would cook them for dinner. It was a great way to enjoy the day and the fishing, and it was free, so even better. I am no where near an ocean now, so those fishing days are just a good memory from the past.


Freshwater - while I enjoy dealing with the sea, I live closer to several freshwater areas (lakes, creeks, rivers, ponds, dam works) and they provide a variety of experiences as well as some very large catfish. Also occasionally crabs - yes there are freshwater/brakish water crabs.
I always wanted to take one of the charter boats that go on the Columbia River, right near the mouth of the ocean near Astoria , Oregon.
Many of the saltwater fish come up the Columbia for a ways until the water becomes too salt free, so people fishing there catch a mixture of fresh and salt water fish., yet you don't actually have to have a boat large and safe enough to go on the ocean to catch them.
There are also some enormous sturgeon that are caught out of the Columbia, so it would be an experience to enjoy, and a surprise to see what you might pull out of those waters.