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Ice Fishing?


Do any of you currently go ice fishing, ever considered doing it, or have done it in the past? What's the experience like compared to regular non-ice fishing, and what should I know before venturing off on an ice fishing trip?
I hate the cold as it is. So I can't imagine myself going ice fishing. I will admit though, I'm curious as to how good the catches are. Just not curious enough to freeze my butt off for it though.


I hate the cold as it is. So I can't imagine myself going ice fishing. I will admit though, I'm curious as to how good the catches are. Just not curious enough to freeze my butt off for it though.

:D :D it appears that you have put your priorities well in order! You're comparing the catch versus warmth and then choosing the latter is similar to what I would have done. Anyway, the way you phrased it simply cracked my ribs...


What I know is that the fishes are not as active as they would be in normal water and thus easy to collect. The other details on this would require a personal experience which I sadly lack...:


Do any of you currently go ice fishing, ever considered doing it, or have done it in the past? What's the experience like compared to regular non-ice fishing, and what should I know before venturing off on an ice fishing trip?

Did it once - it's cold, it's tedious, and it's dangerous. The ice is always just this side of breaking and it makes the most heart stopping cracks, shrieks, and booms. It sucks trying to get to a spot where you can cut open a hole without breaking the ice . Why? Because ice is slippery and you tend to be wearing boots. Heavy monster boots that you'll need if you want to keep your toes attached. Honestly, I didn't enjoy it even after I caught a nice fat one. Then again I don't like the cold, the quiet, the boredom, or the cold. Did I mention the cold?
I still haven't tried this but I am interested in doing so. This is another new experience for me if I do this. I also am interested of what kind of fishes will I catch. That also include strange catches. :D


From Esperahol's description, I think it is not a good venture for the faint-hearted. I don't want to entertain the idea of ice breaking under me or something close to that.


I still haven't tried this but I am interested in doing so. This is another new experience for me if I do this. I also am interested of what kind of fishes will I catch. That also include strange catches. :D

Me too. I'd like to ice fish and then compare my catch on about 3 ice fishing trips, with my catches during regular Spring/Summer fishing trips. To see what types of fish I catch during each season. So it would make fishing more concentrated for me if I or friends of mine were in the mood for a particular type of fish for dinner or what have you.


So first of all Ice fishing isn't something you can do alone.

Make sure you have the right gear. and a hut is a must if its windy. You can get full ones or just tent ones. My uncle has one that attaches like a trailer to his sled and pops up right over it so he can sit on the seat of his sled.

Get tippers they work wonders.

Went with a buddy one time, when he was making a new hold I kicked his tipper and told him he has a fish, he runs over pulls his line up and what do you know.... a freakin fish is on his line LOL, Little FYI I didn't catch anything that day :(

an auger also you will need, gloves snow pants snow suit actually. keep warm


I definitely know about how to dress when ice fishing. My main concern with going on an ice fishing trip though, is the ice. It can look sturdy from afar, but you're always wondering. I wouldn't wanna fall in or anyone else to fall in if the ice gives way. Which is why the colder it is, the better for ice fishing. Very solid and sturdy ice.


From Esperahol's description, I think it is not a good venture for the faint-hearted. I don't want to entertain the idea of ice breaking under me or something close to that.

You have to wait for it to get the kind of cold that either makes or breaks a man's religion - the kind that steals the breath out of you, and makes the world receed. Then you have to test it - use your best swimmer. Also you should probably know how to deal with the issue of weakening ice.

As far as fear goes - spelunking is just like this except if something should break you'll be buried alive. In the dark. Or better yet you'll drown in the darkness. So yeah, this at the very least allows me to be out in the open which raises my chances of not biting it.


Now it seem Esperahol is in the business of scaring me about this ice fishing thing:D This poetic description only develops more reservation about the type of fishing...:)


Now it seem Esperahol is in the business of scaring me about this ice fishing thing:D This poetic description only develops more reservation about the type of fishing...:)

Lol don't listen to him... just dont be an idiot and go out as soon as there is ice on a lake, make sure its a couple feet thick and ur set


You have to wait for it to get the kind of cold that either makes or breaks a man's religion - the kind that steals the breath out of you, and makes the world receed. Then you have to test it - use your best swimmer. Also you should probably know how to deal with the issue of weakening ice.

Yeah. When you hear it cracking get out of there as soon as possible. But make sure you all don't rush off at the same time. Also Ice Fishing can be done at the end of a pond or lake. You'd just need to walk onto the ice somewhat to drill a hole. But you could just sit on the edge of the pond on the ground, and throw your hooks in from there. Just make sure the hole is large enough for fishing for two or three people.
@NickJ you are right. Those situations could really scare us but we have to stay focus and work with out mind not with emotions. I think that is one negative part of ice fishing. You never know when the iced water would break or fell off. Really dangerous.